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Showing posts from September, 2006

Cartoons / Comics

Cartoons are great, I have a couple that I read every morning. What got me thinking about this was a few more recent User Friendly (UFies) cartoons from the weekend: User Friendly - 2006-09-23 . User Friendly - 2006-09-25 . I'll add a list of my daily cartoon's to the leftnav.

The Gatineau Cougar

Live in or near Ottawa/Gatineau? You'll probably appreciate this (especially if you've experienced frosh week here). A friend passed it along to me and I couldn't help but link to it for others. Way too funny! Gatineau Cougar (Hinterland Who's Who spoof) Update 20131001 : Seems the link above is dead, here's an updated one: Gatineau Cougar (Hinterland Who's Who spoof)

Keyboard Shortcuts (Part I)

People often notice that I don't use the mouse as much as most people. Personally I find it much quicker to do a lot of tasks using the keyboard. Therefore I've decided to post a list of keyboard shortcuts from time to time. Hopefully you'll enjoy them and and find them useful like I do. When editing text: ctrl + arrow (Left or Right) > Move the insertion point left or right entire words. ctrl + shift + arrow (Left or Right) > Highlight entire words (left or right of the insertion point). double click > Highlight an entire word. triple click > Highlight an entire line (not sentence). shift + home > Highlight from the insertion point to the start of the line. shift + end > Highlight from the insertion point to the end of the line.

Gimmicks Annoy Me

Checkout this article: Note the last line: "LaCie has also announced two SAFE Mobile drives with built-in encryption, which should reassure the more paranoid user. In the US the 80GB costs $219.99, which is a premium of $50 over the non-encryption SAFE, while the 120GB costs $299.99 - a premium of $20." Does anyone else see a problem there? If you pay a premium for encryption "over the non-encryption SAFE" doesn't that kinda suggest that their regular "SAFE" drives are just a pretty enclosure with a thumb print scanner that interfaces with software to do basically zero? If the data isn't encrypted then what prevents someone from stealing the device, ripping the drive out, and plopping it in any system or enclosure? Now I'll admit, I have't bothered to read LaCie's site so maybe I'm missing something but this seems like a complete Gimmick to me......give the con...

Getting Started

So I keep getting told to fire up a blog by the friends and collegues so here goes. Over the next little while you'll start to see a theme. Without a doubt the pages will fill up with rants, tech info, camping stories, etc.... More Soon!