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Showing posts from October, 2010

The Big Bang Theory (TV Series)

So for the last 3 (IIRC) years one of my favorite shows on TV has been " The Big Bang Theory ". I totally relate to this show, though the characters are more geeky than I. The things that come up with them are things that came up with my group of friends in college, the things that still come up with the people I work with, and are things that I regularly read about on slashdot , etc. The show is crazy funny and even my wife watches it with me....though I suspect this might be mainly because she just enjoys how much and how hard it makes me laugh :D Today I came across a great site that covers the science behind the science of the show... It's lots of fun so check it out if you're a science lover (even if you don't watch the show): The Big Blog Theory

Keyboard Shortcuts (Part III)

Building on my previous posts: Keyboard Shortcuts (Part I) and Keyboard Shortcuts (Part II) Excel: - When you have a cell some kind of content and want to see the insertion point so that you can navigate the value and edit it press F2. - If you want to add lines to a cell (i.e.: enter multiple lines of text in a single cell) use alt + enter. General: - In most Windows applications when a dialog box appears the buttons can be activated ('clicked') by typing the first character or the word. i.e.: Save (s), Don't Save (d), Restart (r), etc. - In most Windows applications when a dialog box is showing you can use tab to navigate between the controls (buttons, file lists, etc.) - ctrl + tab > In a control panel or similar allows switching between tabs (combine with shift to go in the opposite direction). In web browsers/word processors/Excel this usually allows you to cycle through tabs or windows.