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Showing posts from 2014

Things you heard here first....

So I was thinking the other night, we've got cameras everywhere now and people take "Selfies". I predict that in the not too distant future we'll have rigs for using multiple cameras or we'll have some sort of Star Trek tech that allows us to take 3D images or scenes. Therefore I'm coining the term "Self3"* or "Self3D".....that's right folks you read it here first :D Next just this morning I caught an article on slashdot ( Making Best Use of Data Center Space: Density Vs. Isolation ). Which talks about an idea called "dense isolation" so I'm going to coin the term "densolation".....that's right you read it here first :)


I recently started reviewing campaigns on Kickstarter and thought I'd list a handful of them here. They don't or shouldn't necessarily mean anything to anyone else but I figured it's worth noting efforts of others and things I'm mildly interested in, whether it's for myself or others:

Notables - Mar 2014

Yes I'm posting March notables in April, but I've been sitting on these for a while. Crooked Souls : Crooked Parkers - Your soul is in question. Great site, print their citations and put them on windshields of those that park like asshats. Hopefully they save their souls by making a charitable donation. I also came across this image and it had some meaning to me so I thought I'd pass it along: More to follow.....