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Showing posts from October, 2007

Techno-idiots (Part 2)

Found over here: You've all heard the line from the song "Things that make you go hmmmmm", well I suggest we apply a slight modification making it "Things that make you go DUH!". Serious how could any even barely technology savvy individual think this was a good solution to the issue?

Re: Writing Rant

Well as expected my previous writing rant did NOT (sadly) "automagically" fix the world :( However, I have been able to encourage others to see the light. Wikipedia's CopyEdit tag used to display this text: "This article or section needs copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone and/or spelling." So I encouraged them to change it: " 'and/or' isn't really valid so it's kind of funny to see it in a statement regarding copy editing. Simply using "or" sufficiently indicates that any combination of grammar, style, cohesion, tone, and spelling need to be addressed. Either that or it should be changed to "and/exclusive or" but even that is implied by a simple "or" while avoiding the awkwardness of reading "and/exclusive or". Wikipedia even has an entry about "and/or"